I'm making another comeback.
Going to try and update this blog more frequently again.
So if people don't know, I am set to go on my exchange in 2011.
I'm so excited I can pee my pant. 3 times in a row.
I don't know the exact date I leave, but it seems like it will be around late January!
Woot, Bologna here I come!
I've started to look up some apartments in the city (in Italian ;) ciao tutti)
and I feel like packing my bag right now. Even though I don't leave for another few months.
Oh and..
I GOT TICKETS TO GLASTONBURY 2011!!yeah, kinda fucking awesome, I know.
Oh and...
I also got a tattoo.Finally.
So I think that's about all the new updates in my life since I last wrote.
If there are any friends, followers, randoms or stalkers still out there interested in my blog -
please keep checking back because I promise to update more.
And also
I will be selling some of my clothes to clear up some room in my closet
and to make up for some extra funds for Italy.
Once the weather clears up,
I'll take some photos and learn how to work ebay & paypal.
Stay tuned!