Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Irina Kulikova

Irina Kulikova.
She's that girl from the Marc Jacobs 'Daisy' ad!


$0.02: Pelicans are cool

Pelicans are cool, you know?

Mary Ellen Mark

Photos by Mary Ellen Mark.
She's an absolute legend. I especially love the one of the sisters
(the one that I have also used for my blog title).
Trivia fact: if you watch carefully in the movie 'In Her Shoes' (movie about 2 sisters)
Mary Ellen Mark's photos hang on the walls of their lounge rooms,
including the picture of the sisters that I just mentioned.

Wot chu lookin @?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Aoi Yū

Japanese actress Aoi Yū . I really like her effortless, natural, feminine style.
And she has like the prettiest forehead ever.
So pretty!

Jeremy Laing

Jeremy Laing, Spring/Summer 2009
Love the combination of the soft silk and the edgy ripped/diamond cut tops.
PS. Hyoni Kang in the first picture! Woot for Korean models, REPRESENT!

Winston Churchill
